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A Birthday Celebration for Lascarina Bouboulis


May 11, 2024 is the 253rd anniversary of the birth of Lascarina Bouboulis, the heroine of the Greek War for Independence who inspired my historical novel Sailing with the Wind of Freedom.


To honor the occasion and help more people learn about this key figure in Greece’s history, I am giving away five copies of the e-book edition of Sailing with the Wind of Freedom.


The first five people to email me starting May 11 at 9:00 a.m. EST at with the correct answer to the following question will receive instructions on how to download a free copy of the e-book.


In which year did the Greek Revolution begin?


Please use “Birthday Celebration for Lascarina Bouboulis” as the subject line in your email.

The contest begins on May 11, 2024 and ends when five people have submitted the correct response via email.


Your free copy of the e-book must be redeemed within 10 days of receiving email confirmation that you have been selected to receive one or the offer will be void.


Anyone may enter this contest.


The approximate retail value of the e-book is $6.99 USD.


Please note that Facebook is not sponsoring this contest.


Void where prohibited by law.



You can also check Katherine Kaye's social media accounts for the latest news about upcoming events.


Katherine Kaye | Facebook


Katherine Kaye (@windoffreedom22) • Instagram 


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